Showing posts with label Rave. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Rave. Show all posts

Monday, December 19, 2011

First Day of Yule, 2011

So today is the first day of Yule, and in fact I believe the first one I shall celebrate, if alas without all the pomp and circumstance. There are so many little traditions, I probably won't get to them this year, but I will hopefully manage a few.

One thing I am doing is trying to rig up a Yule Log. Sadly, I can't really burn anything, so I will be trying to find a log of some sort, and be placing candles upon it, one for each night. Hopefully I can get it set up before my idols of Hel (which I need to finish modifying, but more on that later), Thor, and Freyja. Also, hopefully with my limited budget I will be able to at least make some offerings to them as well, probably with the mead I have, or some wine.

One tradition I would love to have is the Yule Goat. Sadly, I don't have any, nor do I have access to a Scandinavian shop (there used to be one not far, but alas it has been closed since my early teens. I regret it's loss not more than ever). But perhaps I can get one or two next year.

So, in closing for this first day of yule, I give you all this: A raven in a Yule tree.